We believe in local supporting local. If you're a not-for-profit and like-minded organisation - get in touch.
Sponsorship In Kind
RGQ accepts sponsorship request submissions at least one month in advance of events from not-for-profit organisations if the event and organisation have similar goals and principles to RGQ. In particular, RGQ champion environmental sustainability, but also social and financial sustainability.
Please be aware that RGQ typically only offers sponsorship in the form of a donation of materials. We generally do not offer money, workshops, collaborative or assistive support in helping design or run your event, gift shop donations, transport, etc.
Likewise, we do not offer sponsorship to for-profit businesses, for-profit businesses participating in a not-for-profit event, and/or government-funded departments or organisations. Your request for sponsorship must be submitted in writing to the RGQ Communications & Marketing Co-ordinator.
To submit a sponsorship request with RGQ, please email RGQ Communication and Marketing in the following format:
The subject line should be “Sponsorship Request – (Your Organisation Name)”;
Include proof of your not-for-profit status (i.e. ABN, or ACNC page link);
A description of your event, including event-specific information;
What you hope to achieve through your event;
How you would like RGQ to be involved; and
How RGQ will benefit from sponsoring your event (i.e. promotion through inclusion in printed or online material, a highly visible sign at the event on the day, distribution of flyers at the event, etc.)
Please be very clear in your request and specific in what you want to achieve. Please also be aware that we are a self-funded not-for-profit organisation and we understand very well the difficulty of working with small or non-existent budgets.
Unfortunately, not all requests for sponsorships are granted. Please be patient as we assess your request.