Do you have waste that's too good to waste?
Donating to RGQ – Step 1
GET IN TOUCH FIRST! This is really important as we can’t take everything (see the list below) and sometimes we just don’t have room for things.
Include information about the size, number, and condition of your items. We love good quality photos too! In some cases we’ll have to organise a time to inspect the items up close.
If you have things that you would like to bring to us, you can use the button below to fill out a web form, or send an email to:
Whilst we love it when people bring their items to us, we realise that can't always happen. Click the button below if you have items that require a visit from our truck driver.
You can also send an email to, but make sure you include all of the details described above to help make the process more efficient at our end.
Truck Collections Enquiry Form
We aim to respond to donation enquiries in five business days, though sometimes it can take a little longer if we’re really busy.
Regular donations from businesses
If you’re a business or institution that generates offcuts, discards, or unwanted stock that are suitable for RGQ on a recurring basis, we can provide you with 240 litre wheelie bins (same size as the council ones) to collect your items in.
You get in touch with us when the bin is getting full, and we’ll schedule a collection to swap your full bin over for an empty one. We travel to most parts of Brisbane every month.
The service is free, and you get to reduce your waste disposal costs as well!
If a wheelie bin isn’t suitable for collecting what you have, we can usually figure out an alternative method of collection.
What happens to the materials?
We’re a REUSE centre (not a recycling centre…big difference!), so apart from a small amount of cleaning and bundling, your donated items will be reused in their existing form.
The majority of items we receive are sold at low-cost to the general public - a bit like an op-shop does. What happens to them then is completely up to the person that buys them.
Some of them are put to use in our Eco-Art Workshop Program, and some get re-donated to not-for-profit and community groups through our sponsorship program.
If we're not able to sell them, we'll do our best to find a recycler for them, and the last option might be to send them to landfill, but we try really hard to avoid that.
Who benefits from this process?
You do! Your waste management costs are reduced and you get to feel good about being more responsible with your unwanted items.
The environment does, because it reduces the volume of materials going to landfill and the demand for natural resources to make new things - that's a double win for the environment!
The community does! We provide affordable materials for schools, community groups and individuals to get creative while helping the planet. We also promote and support the arts through our gift shop, exhibitions and providing low-cost materials to students and artists.
We do! RGQ is almost entirely self-funded and the sale of materials keeps us alive. We employ over ten people and we're an example of a a socially and environmentally sustainable business that can balance the books too.
Friends of the Earth does! RGQ supports the work of FOE Brisbane through in-kind donation materials and provision of low-cost office space here at our Woolloongabba warehouse.
Stuff we can Take - but always check with us
Everything donated must be clean, safe and suitable for reuse. Here is a list of some of the things we take:
Acrylic off-cuts and panels
Sign making sheet goods
Bottle tops – clean and dry -
Core-flute – posters and commercial off-cuts
Film reels
Netting and shade materials
Bill board banners -
Vinyl records
Metal (punch-outs, brackets, wire, sheets)
Paper, Card & Stationery
Books - in good condition (no instruction manuals, text books, photocopies or print-outs)
Cardboard boxes - flat packed in excellent condition
Promotional and cardboard (leftovers, off-cuts, cut-outs, wallpaper, fancy papers)
Stationery – good condition items only
Doors and timber woods (when space is available)
Timber and plywood (de-nailed, untreated, including structural timber, flooring, spools and frames)
Small electrical items
Fabric & Textiles
Fabric and textiles (rolls, swatches and samples) min 30cm square pieces
Haberdashery (zips, buttons, thread, belts, clips, braid, ribbon, padding)
Leather and sheepskin (rolls, skins, off-cuts)
Rope, cord and twine
Rubber & Foam
Foam core off-cuts
Gasket and washer cut-outs
Plastics and foam (perspex, acetate, polypropylene, vinyl, medium to high density polystyrene (not domestic packaging), upholstery foam, latex foam, foam rubber, neoprene, billboard skins, closed cell foam, blocks, cut-outs, stencils)
Household Items
Artists' materials and equipment
Containers (plastic, glass, cardboard and metal containers and drums, boxes, bottles, pots). No food or drink containers
Film and theatre props and costumes (theatre props, costumes, set pieces, wigs, costume jewellery)
Film and theatre set materials (small flats, treads, staging pieces, plinths, lighting gels, lights, stage curtains in good condition) - large pieces only when we have available space
Merchandising (mannequins, body shells, props, display items)
Spools and reels - (timber, plastic, metal, large and small)
Tubing (plastic, cardboard, rubber)
Is there anything RGQ doesn't take?
Unfortunately there are a number of things we cannot take including those items listed on the Department of Environment and Science regulated waste list as well as the following:
Disc boxes
Homemade cassette and videotapes
Used plastic and paper shopping bags
Containers that have contained chemicals
Single-use plastic straws & stirrers
Single-use plastic cutlery
Single-use plastic bowls & plates
Expanded polystyrene takeaway food containers & cups
Find out more on the Queensland State Government's ban on single-use plastics
Aluminium windows
Paper, Card & Stationery
Ring binders and suspension files
Used cardboard boxes (such as fruit boxes)
Gossip, trashy or sleazy magazines
Used greeting cards
Old office stationery (such as pamphlets, leaflets, fact sheets and letterheads)
Shredded paper
Toilet roll centres and other domestic packaging including used xmas paper and used paper bags
MDF and chipboard
Treated timber (unless treated with boron gas)
Did you know you can donate some of your building material waste to the Demolition Yard?
Photocopiers and fax machines
Large household electrical appliances (such as stoves and microwaves, fridges, clothes dryers and washing machines)
Small household electrical appliances (such as toasters, irons, coffee makers and hair dryers)
Stereos and cassette tape players (unless vintage)
Answering machines, TVs, VHS and DVD players
Old light fittings (unless vintage or arty)
Incandescent light bulbs
Electrical goods (such as computers, printers, monitors and scanners)
Did you know you can donate your electrical waste to Substation 33?
Fabric & Textiles
Used hats, bags, clothing and footwear
Used sheets, Doona covers, towels and pillows
Small unusable fabric scraps or fabric that is mouldy or smelling of moth balls (naphthalene)
Rubber & Foam
Stuffed toys (unless donated new)
Polystyrene packaging (the moulded shapes that fit around items)
Packing peanuts made from organic material
Household Items
Kitchenware (such as crockery, saucepans and plastic containers)
Beds and mattresses
Large items of furniture (such as lounge suites)
Broken or damaged furniture (unless very vintage and repairable)
Misc household cables and electrical fittings
Misc household bric a brac and junk (mobile phones, used toys, gizmos etc)
Did you know you can donate your larger household items to The Salvos?
Large office desks
Paint, varnish etc that has been opened (or is past its use by date)
Venetian blinds (unless wooden), second-hand curtains and holland blinds
Where to donate what we can't take?

31 Mary Street, Kingston, Q., 4114
Phone - 07 3826 1533
Computer Guys
Email first. Pick-ups Only.
Polystyrene Recycle Queensland
105 Colebard Street West, Acacia Ridge, Q., 4110
Phone - 07 3216 7764
Furniture Collection
Brisbane - 07 3632 1010
Gold Coast - 07 5510 4500
Sunshine Coast - 07 5409 1400
Vinnies (1 to 2 week waiting list)
Greater Brisbane Metropolitan Area
1300 551 894
Mon to Fri | 8:30am to 4pm
Register on-line to give your goods away
Retail/Business/Office Stock
Tip Shops
Brisbane City Council Resource Recovery Centres
1372 Nudgee Road, Nudgee Beach | 6:30am to 5:45pm |
360 Sherbrooke Road, Willawong | 6:30am to 5:45pm |
101 Upper Kedron Road, Ferny Grove | 6:30am to 5:45pm |
728 Tilley Road, Chandler (opposite the Sleeman Sports Complex) | 6:30am to 5:45pm |
Full list of what can be recycled at the centres can be found here.
Logan Recycle Market
Browns Plains Waste and Recycling Facility, 349 Browns Plains Road, Heritage Park
Phone - 07 3412 3412
Fri to Mon 10am - 5pm (closed public holidays)
How to prepare for Qld's ban on single-use plastics

From the 1st of September, some single use plastics will be banned from Queensland. Banned items include:
Single-use plastic straws & stirrers
Single-use plastic cutlery
Single-use plastic bowls & plates
Expanded polystyrene takeaway food containers & cups
If you are a business or community group who currently carries these items in your stock please visit the State Government's Plastic Ban site for the most up-to-date and correct information on how to go about disposing of these items.