Tanya Cotton
I have always loved being creative from a very young age, I had two teachers in my life that really inspired me to focus on my love of painting and generally being creative. I would say I am self taught apart from my high school art subjects. Many years ago I sold some of my paintings which feels like a life time ago. I haven’t painted for about 14 or 15 years and I feel like I am starting all over again and loving it. I have a diploma in Graphic Design so I am hoping in the future to combine these skills with my artistic side to produce some quirky surface pattern designs. I am exploring watercolours, digital art processes and acrylics at the moment. One of the artist that have inspired me resonantly is Yuko Shimizu who is an amazing Japanese artist who lives in New York. I remember reading some advise she had for up and coming artist, she said something like this “never draw or paint anything you can photograph, think outside the box”.